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Bloodwork Services for Pets

A quick test to detect the presence of underlying diseases your pet may not display clinically.

Diagnostic testing allows us to determine your pet's overall health, with the results giving us a close look at the inner workings of their body. Our in-house laboratory allows us to test your pet in a timely manner, providing the results we need to best support your pet's well-being. If you have questions about our bloodwork services, please contact us at 416-745-4700.

What does bloodwork help diagnose?

Our veterinary laboratory provides diagnostic medical testing for infectious agents, toxins, and other causes of disease. Our veterinary team will recommend bloodwork when we need more information about a potential health concern. It is also a part of your pet's routine wellness exam, which provides us with the most up-to-date information about their overall health. This also increases our chance of detecting some health concerns in their early stages, which could improve treatment. Some common health conditions bloodwork helps us diagnose include:

  • Allergies
  • Parasite infections
  • Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney failure

What is a Complete Blood Count (CBC)?

A CBC is one of the most common blood tests we perform. It is often a part of routine bloodwork, which determines the number of red and white blood cells in your pet's body. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body while white blood cells are associated with immune response. It also measures platelets that cause blood to clot. A CBC is just one component of bloodwork, with another important role of analyzing the various components of your pet's blood associated with different body functions.

How often should my pet have bloodwork?

For most healthy adult pets, we recommend bloodwork annually as part of their routine wellness check. For senior pets, especially those with underlying health conditions, we recommend testing every 6 months, which coincides with their routine visit. If your pet has a health issue, we could recommend more regular testing to monitor their condition.

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